Inside of Planet Fitness |
Disclaimer: I only work out at PF. I am not associated with them in any way.
I was recently in an automobile accident when the driver ran a red light, completely wrecked by car by plowing right straight through the front and the engine. Going from left to right as I was turning left at an intersection on Main and Chestnut Expressway. An almost T_BONE hit. One second more and I would have been farther into the intersection and it would have been the driver door and me that she would have demolished.
Destiny and my lifeline have crossed and as Baudrillrd says, "Alterity begins. Another life that will gradually move out of parallel with my former life. It already feels different. I have changed all my rituals and habits."
But I do want to say that if I had not been working out for the past 3 weeks I think I would have been killed. So I owe PF big time for being here and opening a new location.
This is one of the few places one can go that is judgement free. That is, fascist free. As Foucault tells us, fascism is local. It does not come from above. It is around you minutely, everywhere.
Not here though. No lists. No one to say you are doing an exercise incorrectly. That you ought to try this or that. No agenda. You can ask for it of course and someone will be supplied to begin your work out.
For me I just walked around watching until I decided to try something. Then something else until I had worked up my own agenda. I learn by watching the best. And there are so many people working out with so many different styles to choose from, that you can always learn something just by watching and then trying.
If I would suggest something it would be to read Nietzsche's The Genealogy of Morals in which he discusses The Inscription of the Body. Foucault will seize this and extend it to a way of thinking. Just understand that your body has been inscribed by all your experiences since you were in the womb. Was it free there or were you more confined? How was your birth? Your early years? Your school years and so on.
Nice Edition as you get Ecce Homo with it. |
This is the essay in which Nietzsche argues about God. He does not say God is dead as the FAKE reviewers have told us for about 100 years now.
Fake news is not new folks.
Nietzsche challenges God to appear. So far God has not.
So far.
The beginning of consciousness is linked to the Inscription of the Body. It was torturous. The body was inscribed literally.
This produced MEMORY
And Memory produced consciousness
and man became a different specie from animals.
I don't agree with this last sentence.
Genealogy is not linear, not continuous, not progressive and not historical. It is a different way of thinking. Of events that CUT into your life and alter it irreversibly.
And this is Continental Philosophy current in most parts of Europe and pretty much censored into sound bites of meaningless chatter in the universities of the US. Too bad.
The only fascism you will find here at Planet Fitness is technologically embedded in the machines.
There is a machine for just about every muscle group in your body. You want more of X, then work on X's machine.
Or you can do yoga stretches.
Or or or or or..........
The possibilities are endless.
The machines will tell you how many stairs you have climbed and how fast - or slow - you climbed them.
How long it took you to walk, run 1/2 mile, your heart rate, an estimate in your head of how long for an entire mile.
The weights will change as you add or subtract them.
How you are progressing with your strength, your flexibility, etc.
You can add an apt to your phone and get a pre-planned workout. You can get someone to work with you.
Hey! Whatever you want.
Whenever you want.
Planet Fitness was designed by those who are anticipating the FUTURE.
What happens is that you are in a huge space with people who are committed to be healthy and strong and non authoritarian with others. That's a good thing.
Then you go outside and so many people there seem SICK.
Unhealthy. In need. And so many many of them. And they often do not talk nicely to each other.
I suppose if you go into a fast food place you will be brought up short. All those around you who look sick will be ordering there without thinking about what they eat does to them.
But you will be. And you will begin to change the way you want to eat.
And isn't it better that way than someone making you feel guilty about the way you eat? Telling you you MUST change the way you eat?
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